Orator of the Month
It is said experience is the best teacher confidence doesn’t come with theories, with this in mind Oxford Speakers Academy organizes an in-house Orator of the Month Competition, every month since Jan 2004 and counting.
To make them learn how to speak and to be an Orator is not the only aim but the sum and substance is to create awareness among them on what to speak, why to speak , when to speak and what not to speak as it is ultimately we who are the voice and strength of our nation.

Mrs. Rucha Ram Wayzode

Sahil Chhaya Satish Kalbele

Ms. Achal Gaulkar

Mr. Raunak Maheshwari

Mr. Himanshu Badwaik

Mr. Shantanu Hattimare

Ms. Monica Sharma

Mr. Kaustubh Yelne

Ms. Ishika Parate

Mr. Shanan Rai

Mr. Soham Kanhav

Ms. Mayuri Chandankhede

Ms. Raksha Agarwal

Ms. Meenakshi Motwani

Mr. Bharat Rai

Ms. Manyaa Patel

Mr. Vaibhav Naik

Mr. Kanak Agrawal

Mrs. Priya Bajaj
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Events for February
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Events for February
Events for February
Events for February
Events for February
Events for February
Events for February
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Events for February
Events for February
Events for February
Events for February
Events for February
Events for February
Events for February
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Events for February
Events for February
Events for February
Events for February
Events for February
Events for February
Events for February
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Events for February
Events for February
Events for February
Events for February
Events for February
Orator of the year
Keeping in mind the growing need of a groomed dynamic personality and polished style of presentation the academy organizes various contests and provides ample opportunity for the budding talents to blossom into a colorful personality. The 17 contestants were the Orators of the Month from January to December every year, selected earlier through the elocution contest organized every month through participation of approximately 200 speakers every month.
The contest is keenly fought amongst 17 contestants who prove their skills of oration for 5 minutes before the judges and a huge audience.
The winner is presented with a cash Scholarship, Batch, Sash, Mug, Oxford T-shirt, Trophy, a Certificate and wide media coverage.

DR. sanjay C. Raghatate
This YOUTH ICON has been felicitated by Dainik Bhaskar at the hands of Hon’ble Former Chief Minister of Maharashtra Shri Prithviraj Chauhan for his extraordinary contribution to the Society & Nation. Conferred with Honorary Doctorate in Education & Social Science, and Double Honorary Ph.D in Spiritual Science by Atharva Jyotish Vidyapith(Pune) He is very prestigiously conferred with Honorary D.Litt. for his extensive research and compilation of classified vocabulary.
All India Interschool Personality contest
To create the awareness amongst the students about the competitive world and to boost the level of their confidence Oxford Speakers’ Academy organizes an All India Inter-school personality contest.
In the contest, more than 1000 student-representatives from approx. 500 schools from allover India participate and they are provided with every opportunity to develop themselves. All due care is taken of the participants by providing them with hygienic food and on-time medical facilities.